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For your information:
A renowned series featuring non-fiction as well as modern and traditional stories. Designed so that children can read them for themselves, the stories are carefully graded into five reading levels.

1) Read It Yourself: The Ugly Duckling  
"The Ugly Duckling" (Danish: Den grimme alling) is a literary fairy tale by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875).

2) Read It Yourself: Heidi by Ladybird
Designed for children learning to read, this book retells "Heidi" in lively, natural language to help children develop the confidence to read alone. Level Four is suitable for children who are ready to read longer stories with a wider vocabulary.

3) Read It Yourself: Thumbelina by Ladybird
Thumbelina is about a tiny girl and her adventures with marriage-minded toads, moles, and cockchafers. She successfully avoids their intentions before falling in love with a flower-fairy prince just her size.

4) Read It Yourself: Red Riding Hood by Ladybird
A Big Bad Wolf wants to eat the girl and the food in the basket. He secretly stalks her behind trees, bushes, shrubs, and patches of little and tall grass. He approaches Little Red Riding Hood, who naively tells him where she is going....

英語の子供用の本 童話

  • サイズ:幅 12cm / 奥行 18cm / 厚さ 0.5cm


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